A new academic year!
Sorry for the gap in posting - life in Linden has been a bit hectic (and I've been on holiday!!)
A big welcome to any new students who've joined us this year. We hope you will be blessed by God and us! If you're a fresher and you've not yet visited Linden, check out our new super-whizzo website to find out more about us.
So what's new?

We have a Fairtrade stall in church every Sunday morning providing basics and some extras (including Christmas cards and scarves) and next Saturday, we're taking the stall to the Local Produce Market in Mumbles from 9.00 am until 1.00 pm - but get there early because food sells out rapidly. nearly as quickly as the free samples disappear! The market takes place in the car park just at the entrance to Oystermouth village.
Still on the Fairtrade theme, in November we're hosting a Comedy Night. What has comedy to do with Fairtrade I hear you asking? (You didn't? It must have been the little voices again.) Well, the comedians appearing are part of Just Fair Laughs, a fair trade comedy movement. Come along on the night and I'm sure all will become clear. Tickets £5 and limited so get yours soon!
Oh yes and it happens at Ostreme Centre, Mumbles, from 7.30 pm on 7th November.
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