Extremely Linden

Monday, September 18, 2006

Please pray

Those of you who know Rich Pyke will know that he is not one to seek attention! But he would be grateful if you could pray for him right now.

Rich has had an eye problem - a side effect of his diabetes - and he is having laser treatment for it. The weekly treatment, in which laser rays are shot into the back of the eye to seal tiny veins, is very painful and takes about 40 minutes a treatment (or as long as Rich can stand the pain!).

The doctors can't say if this treatment will be successful and Rich won't know for about 6 months. There are three possibilities:
1. that it is successful and Rich is left with reasonable eye-sight;
2. that it is partly successful and his eye-sight isn't too bad;
3. that it is unsuccessful and he suffers a serious deterioration in his eye-sight.

There is an added complication in that Rich is supposed to be taking up a new job in a different school in January. He has to decide in the next week and a half if he wants to take the new job with the added responsibility that it will bring.

There's one further problem: Rich currently has high blood pressure. He has had some blood tests and will find out on Wednesday if the high blood pressure is a result of the stress of the situation or something else.

Please pray for him and Deni.

Friday, September 15, 2006

This Sunday

Glenn Miles is continuing our teaching series with God of gods.

Next week it's an open meeting with communion.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Thanksgiving Auction for Africa is planned for Saturday, November 25th - Thanksgiving Weekend in the US! An evening featuring turkey and generous bidding.

So, what can YOU do?
Cook a special meal for two, and provide the candles, soft music and, if required, waiter service?
Wash (and polish) a car once a week for 3 months?
Write and sing a song for a special person?
Prepare hanging baskets for next summer?
Provide tickets for a Six Nations game at the Millennium Stadium?
Create a website to order?
Take Olan-Mills-style family portraits?
Make a traditional Christmas pudding?
Give a course in Albanian/diy abdominal surgery lessons (not necessarily together)?
Offer personal training for a month?
Provide a personal financial service?
Give a manicure and hand massage?
Do a family’s ironing for a month?
Anything else? If you are able to help out with items or a promise, let Liz know.

Or do you know someone you could persuade to offer us something worth auctioning? A local business owner or craftsman? Again contact Liz.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

We have a desk, a Mazda car, a stereo system and some Epson cartridges to give away. Let Liz know if you want any of them.

He loves to go a'cycling

Paul Flynn, as mentioned in the previous post, completed a cycle ride through the Alps in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind. To read all about the trip, visit Paul's blog

The view from the top.

It's not too late to sponsor him! Post a message here and we'll get in touch with you.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Simply the best!

Jordan Best has won the title of Swansea Young Person of the Month award for August!

Jared nominated Jordan for all the voluntary work he does in Red Cafe. While the Community Cafe was on in August, Jordan was an almost daily helper.

So congratulations to Jordan - and look out for his photo in the Evening Post.

Sundays and sponsors

On Sunday Jared and Rachel are speaking, continuing on our theme of God... This week it's God our refuge. Next week, it's Glenn Miles on God of gods.

A number of people from Linden are taking part in the Macmillan Gower Walk tomorrow. That's 22 miles from Rhossili to Limeslade in aid of the Macmillan Cancer Fund. Nick, Joy, Sue L, and the Miles Family are walking and there may be others I don't know about. We wish you good feet for the trip and hope that you raise lots of money in an excellent cause.

Paul Flynn also recently completed an arduous bike ride in the Pyrennees in aid of the Guide Dogs Association. (The photo shows Paul Flynn, MP for Newport as I don't have a photo of our Paul Flynn.)

If you'd like to retrospectively sponsor any of these, send your cheque to Linden and I'll make sure it gets passed on.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

With the start of a new academic year classes and activities that had stopped for the summer all pick up again.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening we've got Thrive circuit training (call Julian on 363466 for more info).

Tuesday evening at 6.30 Jackie's aerobics class is on.

We have a Basic Skills class on Tuesday morning, 9.30 am, and quilting on Wednesday and Friday mornings 9.30 am.

Plus Parents & Toddlers on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, 1.30 - 3.00 pm, Bigfish Friday evening, 6.30 - 8.00 pm and Exist, Friday 8.00 pm.

Bigfish is for 5-11 year-olds while Exist is for year 6 onwards.