Extremely Linden

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Coming soon

Chris and Meryl enjoyed probably the best water in the world and then Barbara and Tim introduced us to the woman who didn't want to make a fuss but caused a scene. This week, 1st March, it's Alun and Anna's turn to say, 'The lady's not for stoning.' The following week there'll be an opportunity to reflect on what we've heard so far about Jesus and women, and to celebrate new life in the dedication of Tobias Michael Burgess.

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Don't forget to book your tickets for An Evening with Kev Johns at Ostreme Centre on Friday, 13th March. A joint event with Mumbles and Bethany Baptist Churches.

Call the office on 01792 403777 to reserve a place.

Monday, February 09, 2009

On Sunday, 8th February, Alice and Alun started the new teaching series on Jesus and women with a look at women in Linden, in the world and in the Bible. Alun says, 'This series will challenge men to rethink how they perceive women and encourage women to step into their rightful place, as Jesus saw it. Linden should prepare itself for a radical reformation!'

Next Sunday, Chris Matthews and Meryl Williams will encourage us to enjoy what is 'probably the best water in the world.'

And in the evening, Christians from all over Swansea will be meeting together at Parklands Church, Sketty Park, at 6.00 pm for a time of worship and prayer as Swansea Hope is launched.

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Linden's Got Talent night was voted a huge success by all who attended it and nearly £400 was raised to be shared between Red Cafe, schoolswork and the trip to Mutende. We're hoping to have some clips up on youtube and the Linden website soon.

The next evening entertainment is with Kev Johns in Ostreme Centre in Mumbles, in a joint venture with Mumbles Baptist Church. That's on 13th March.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Linden's Got Talent!

And to prove it, we're showing it off next Saturday from 7.00 pm. An evening of eclectic entertainment. Come along and enjoy! Bring friends, family and the milkman.

Admission is free but there'll be an opportunity to give to the work of Linden, specifically the Mutende trip, Red Cafe and schoolswork.

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Saturday morning sees us start a new teaching series when Alun and Alice will be introducing Jesus and women.