Extremely Linden

Friday, November 30, 2007

It was a good night (apparently)

Would you trust Shrek with a scalpel? Or leadership of a church?

Anyway, this Sunday, 2nd December, we celebrate the start of Advent by looking at peace, which is the theme for our Christmas concert this year. (Make a note in your diary now: 16th December at 7.00 pm!)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Coming up ...

This Sunday we're delighted to welcome Rowe Robinson from Cilcoed Christian Centre. Next week we celebrate the start of Advent with Peace.

Our Christmas concert happens on Sunday, 16th December, at 7.00 pm. As always it promises to be a fantastic event with the collection going to the Amos Trust's Reconciliation Project.

And there are three - 3! - choir practices: Wednesday 28th November at 8.00 pm, after the meeting on Sunday 9th December, and again on Wednesday 12th.

* * * * * * * * * * *

And we're very happy to announce that Mr Cool himself, Alun John, reaches the ripe old age of 60 on Monday. Doesn't he look good for his age?
Whoops, sorry, that should be 50. Now he doesn't look so good for his age!