Extremely Linden

Friday, August 25, 2006

Adverts and suchlike

Last year Andy Hunter made it to number 115 in the top 100 DJs poll. Help push him over the limit this time by going and voting for him here

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It’s been shown that by introducing a moderate amount of exercise into your daily life, you can significantly improve your overall health, well-being and quality of life.

It also makes you more bendy!

So what are you waiting for?

Call Julian today on 363466 to sign up for the next Thrive circuit training class

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Lots of people are away this weekend at Greenbelt or on hols, but those of us left are having an open meeting with communion. Usual start time i.e. some time after 11 am.

The following Sunday, 3rd September, Chris and Barbara are speaking on God, the strength of my heart.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (justice), for they will be filled'....

Zac's Place, church for ragamuffins, has commissioned 8 pieces of artwork based on the 'Beatitudes' of Christ in Matthew's Gospel. This week they took delivery of Anthony Jones' contribution of an oil based work.

Sean Stillman, of Zac's Place, says, 'Have a ponder, think Nestle, think corporate faceless America shafting the poor.'

This piece, and the other completed works, will be on exhibition at Greenbelt this weekend.

For more information about anything to do with Zac's Place go to Sean's blog or to the Zac's Place website (see left column).

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Mark & Jen's wedding

Kit read a poem written by an Indian Elder.

Jen and Mark exchanged vows led through by Chris.
And some wedding guests.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Now is the time to wield a sigh

After two years of non-stop solid slog, the members of our trusty, helpful, caring, wonderful, talented Team are leaving us for adventures new.

Like volunteering with Alun and making baguettes.

But they'll tell us more about their plans on Sunday when we say goodbye to them.

And Debbie and Eyob are talking about God our Saviour.

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Anyone interested in some general admin/data entry work in the near future for about 5-10 hours a week – flexi hours and above minimum wage – please speak to Janet or email Linden.

That's just like what I do. In fact ... is there something they're not telling me?

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I forgot to say big thanks to Maria and all the staff and volunteers who’ve made the Community Café a success. Look out for the next one in October!

What do you think?

Today is the last day of the Community Cafe.

Has it been a success?

It probably hasn't brought in the income necessary to make it viable but it has been well-received by those who've used it.

Some lessons have been learned such as we need teapots and to offer decaffeinated coffee (and latte and cappucino etc). These lessons and lots of others will no doubt be remedied before the cafe's next outing in October.

I think it's been great but it needs something different about it to make it stand out from the rest and worth a special trip. Offering organic and fairtrade products probably aren't enough.

That's just what I think. What do you think?
Have you helped in the cafe?
What do you think would make it more attractive?
Have you visited/eaten there?
Is the menu adequate?
What else should be on offer?

This is a Community Cafe so, come on, community, respond!

The photos show some of the dedicated helpers. From top: Amy, Jourdan, Josh and Jess.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Scooby dooby doo

It was 'come as a cartoon character' today for the last day of playscheme. Alun came as Shaggy - I wish I'd had my camera with me.

We also had Tinkerbell, Inspector Gadget and Otto wandering about. But that's fairly normal for us.

Playscheme has been a great success with over 30 children attending each day.

The Community Cafe has one more week to run. Trade has been variable but those who've not been deterred by the lack of chips and burgers on the menu have been appreciative.

A number of the cafe workers have been young people who normally attend Red's evening sessions. They've worked hard and been a great asset. It's been especially good for the customers to see the different ages working together - one of the aims of the scheme - and for those of us who aren't normally involved to meet them.

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This Sunday, Nick Burton is stalking about our God of compassion and grace. Obviously it would be very hard to stalk God so I hope Nick will have given up by Sunday and will come and talk to us instead.

(Meanwhile, in an email, Janet puts me in the same sentence as the word troll. I am not sure if she is referring to my hairy feet or my habit of lurking under bridges.)

Next Sunday we will be saying goodbye to, and praying for, the team of volunteers who have been with us for two years (or six months). Even though we're saying goodbye, only some of them are going, proving once again that Swansea is the graveyard of ambition.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Announcing the Amazing Autumn Auction

Since last Christmas we have raised £8,744.15 for the building project at Mutende Children's Village in Zambia.

We didn't quite know how to follow up the parachute jump but a few people have suggested we hold a charity auction in mid-October. And that's what we're going to do!

If you are willing to donate any quality items (from original artwork to a CD/MP3 player) or you are able to offer a service (from babysitting, carwashing or gardening to surfing lessons, preparing a gourmet meal for four or a personalised quilt) then let Chris or Liz know. We'll be producing a pre-auction catalogue complete with full details and guide prices to whet appetites before the big day!


Already donated for auction:

a private session in Aly's sauna;

a champagne break in a Gower B&B;

a studio session with top DJ, Andy Hunter;

original artwork.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Berry smooth

The first week of playscheme is almost over and Alun has survived. Just.

How traumatised the children attending are I wouldn't like to say, but they keep coming back.

Another week of playscheme and another two weeks of the Community Cafe to go.

The cafe is being very well-received. Lots of lovely comments have been left in the Visitors' Book and only John Sampson has complained.

If you're in the area and you haven't called in yet (or even if you have, come again!) do try and find time to get there. Sample a hummus and spinach baguette (my personal favourite), a berry smoothie or luscious carrot cake (or carrot soup). Take friends and relax in pleasant surroundings with lovely staff to cater for your every whim. (Or some of them at least.)

In fact, you could go down after church on Sunday - it's open seven days a week - for a lunchtime snack.

Speaking of Sunday, Neil Thomas will be doing that, continuing with the theme of the psalms, on the subject of God, our rock.

And the following week, we have Nick Burton, retiree, on God of compassion and grace.

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On Wednesday, Norman Bifield, course facilitator/ lecturer is visiting Red Cafe at 5pm to chat to those who may be interested in taking up the Youth Work Foundation Training Course. This is the first important step towards gaining a recognised qualification in Youth Work.

Anyone interested should turn up at the cafe or speak to Jared.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Playscheme started yesterday. About thirty children a day are attending so far - though how many will come back this afternoon after Alun scared the life out of them this morning is questionable.

The badge-making equipment is in full swing. They asked if I'd like to make one but I said I'd rather it if someone made one for me. 'I want one that says "Liz" without actually saying it,' I explained.

Dave brought me one that says, 'you are what you eat', accompanied by a drawing of a packet of KP Nuts. I can't imagine what that's supposed to mean.

Playscheme is on every weekday for the next two weeks from 10 am to noon, and 1 pm to 3 pm. Free fun for everyone!